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     Celebrating the original Ford Thunderbird   

      from 1955, 1956, and 1957

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Recent Events                         

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Annual Holiday Party                            – by Laura Cielenski


The Annual Holiday Party was held on December 7th at the Alpine Haus Banquets in Westchester.  Forty-seven club members came out on a chilly December night to celebrate. The festivities began with hot appetizers and drinks as members were able to mingle before dinner. Once Happy Hour was over a delicious dinner was served.

 After dinner Ken pulled names for the door-prizes. Everyone was able to go home with several gifts.  Many thanks to Ken & Kathy Smizinski for planning the party, obtaining the wine and many of the door prizes. A fun night was had by all.

Those in attendance were: Dan & Karen Anderson, Bill & Jane Balough, Robert & Sherrie Baxa, Mike & Laura Cielenski, Kirk & Janice Forgue, Joe & Liz Fox, Art Hahl, Gail Hascek & Mike Detty, Peter & Katie Hauser, Karen Kelly, Len Keil, Marylu Kramer, Steve & Alexandra Kramer, Dan Mrozek, Dan & Melinda Pritchett, Gordon Gluff and Mary Ziemba, Madeline Zambon, Mike Pavlak, Ron Pavlak, Lloyd & Joan Schellin, Ken & Kathy Smizinski, Len & Irene Vinyard, Bob & Sue Wenderski, Liz Werth, Jim & Jane Wilson and Tom & Alice Wolfe.

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